GPS : 38°08'12.4"N 26°36'47.2"E / 38.136774, 26.613118
Gök Liman is a deep fjord about 2 Nm NE of Teke Burnu. It is an incredible beautiful anchorage. Gök Liman is on the western part of Gulf of Sığacık. It is one of the nicest spot in the area with its wild nature. There is a ship buoy at the entry. Care is needed at night. Gök Liman affords all round shelter.
North Creek
This is the most protected anchorage but it is now less attractive because of the fish farms. It is best to drop the anchor in about 15 m depth (good holding) and to take a line from the bow to the E shore. The cove on the west affords good shelter.
The bottom is sand, it efforts good holding. The depth in the middle is around 9 - 11 meters, it gradually shelves ashore. Boats drop anchor in 4 - 6 meters and take a line ashore.
East Creek
This anchorage is deep and only one or two boats can be accommodated. Try to anchor in 10 m and possibly take a line ashore. The holding here is less reliable than in the North Creek.
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terprec0probki Jamie Jackson
UciamenWnia-ze Jordan Shamoon Software